Interview: James Currey über Literatur aus Afrika

                                                                                     [Foto: Kuukuwa Manful/Africa Oxford Initiative]

In dieser Episode unserer Interviewreihe hat Lynda Iroulo James Currey zu Gast, Mitbegründer des in Oxford ansässigen Verlages James Currey Publishers und neben dem nigerianischen Dichter Chinua Achebe einer der Köpfe hinter der 1962 entstandenen African Writers Series.

Im Interview spricht der Verleger über seine Anfänge im Geschäft, gegenwärtige Stimmen in der afrikanischen Literatur und warum er nicht daran denkt, bald aufzuhören.

Eine gekürzte, schriftliche Version des Interviews sowie das gesamte Interview als Audiodatei (beides auf Englisch) finden Sie hier.

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Interview: James Currey on publishing African Literature

                                                                                    [Photo: Kuukuwa Manful/Africa Oxford Initiative]

In this episode of our interview series, our host Lynda Iroulo talks to James Currey, co-founder of the Oxford-based James Currey Publishers and, together with Nigerian poet Chinua Achebe, creator of the African Writers Series launched in 1962.

Listen in, as Currey gives insight into his first steps in the publishing business and contemporary African literature, and why he doesn’t intend to stop what he is doing any time soon.

Find an abridged transcription of the interview below or listen to the full one here:

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Interview: Sifiso Ndlovu über den Jugendaufstand in Soweto (II)

Hören Sie in unserer dieswöchigen Podcastfolge die zweite Hälfte von Lynda Iroulos Gespräch mit Prof. Dr. Sifiso Ndlovu, der 1976 an den Protesten gegen das unterdrückerische Apartheid-Regime beteiligt war.

Nachdem er in Teil 1 die Ereignisse beschrieb, die den Protesten vorausgingen, hören Sie Prof. Ndlovu in Teil 2 des Interviews über die Ereignisse des 16. Juli 1976, die weiteren Lebenswege der Protestierenden und seine Ratschläge an junge Menschen heutzutage sprechen.

Prof. Sifiso Ndlovu

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Interview: Sifiso Ndlovu on the Soweto Youth Uprising (II)

In this week’s podcast episode, listen to the second half of Lynda Iroulo’s conversation with Prof. Dr. Sifiso Ndlovu, who took part in the 1976 Soweto youth protests against the oppressive apartheid regime.

After describing the events preceding the uprising in part one, hear Prof. Ndlovu talk about what happened on June 16, 1976, the paths that protesters have taken afterwards and his advice to young people today in part two of the interview.

Prof. Sifiso Ndlovu

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Interview: Celine Jacquemin on African Studies in IR

In this episode of our interview series, our host Lynda Iroulo talks to Celine Jacquemin, Professor of Political Sciences and International Relations at St. Mary´s University, San Antonio, Texas.

Listen in, as Jacquemin gives insight in her understanding of African Studies, explains how one should (not) talk about African countries, and explores the future of the field. 

Find a short transcription of the interview below or listen to the full one here:

Iroulo: Let’s start with the basics. What is African Studies?

Jacquemin:  African Studies can be a lot of different things, depending on where it is housed in different universities. In some places it may be more in the humanities, in others a little more in the social sciences. A lot of universities actually have components of African Studies inside of their international and global studies programs. For example, for us at St. Mary’s University we have some of the components inside of our peace and security tracks in political science.

Continue reading “Interview: Celine Jacquemin on African Studies in IR”

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