On the road
Analysing Norm Collisions: An intersubjective and agency-oriented perspective
Suite 2229, Sheraton Centre TorontoSassan Gholiagha (WZB) & Andrea Liese (University of Potsdam) presenting their new paper co-authored with Anna Holzscheiter (WZB and FU Berlin) at the ISA 2019 in the panel “Norm Dynamics between Collision and Contestation”
The Emotional Underpinnings of Responsibility in Global Governance: UNSC Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security and the Responsibility to Protect
Jelena Cupać presenting her paper in the panel "Norm Dynamics between Collision and Contestation" at the ISA 2019 convention
Varieties of Populism and the Challenge to Global Constitutionalism: Dangers, Promises, and Expectations
Hilton II, Hilton TorontoCedric Koch presenting his paper in the panel "Climate Change, Globalization and Sustainability"
Different Verbs, Different Agency: The Changing Vocabulary of the Security Council’s Self (1946-2018)
Jelena Cupać presenting her paper in the workshop "Formal and Informal Intergovernmental Organizations in Time: Explaining Transformations in Global Governance" at the ECPR joint session in Mons
The Emotional Politics of Migration Crisis
Belgrade, SerbiaJelena Cupać as a discussant in the panel "The Emotional politics of Migration Crisis" at the CEEISA-ISA 2019 Joint Conference
Human Rights In The Age Of Anxiety
Belgrade, SerbiaJelena Cupać chairing a panel at the CEEISA-ISA 2019 Joint International Conference in Belgrade
Institutional Appropriation Through Norm-Contestation: Contestation Against Sexual And Reproductive Rights
Belgrade, SerbiaJelena Cupać presenting her paper (co-authored with Irem Ebetürk) in the panel "Civil Society in the Age of Populism" at the CEEISA-ISA 2019 Joint International Conference in Belgrade
Revisiting Democratic Commitments to Human Rights Treaties
Washington, DCAlexandros Tokhi presenting his paper "Revisiting Democratic Commitments to Human Rights Treaties" (co-authored with Xinyuan Dai) at the APSA Anual Meeting
One Agenda Setter or Many? The Varying Success of Policy Initiatives by Individual Directorates-General of the European Commission, 1993-2016
Room 302, Building B, Faculty of Law, WrocławChristian Rauh presenting his paper "One Agenda Setter or Many? The Varying Success of Policy Initiatives by Individual Directorates-General of the European Commission, 1993-2016" at the ECPR General Conference, Wrocław
Between Reason and Rancor: re-appeasing populist movements in a contested liberal order
Room 150, Sofia UniversityRobert Benson presenting his paper in a panel on Populism and International Relations at the 13th Pan-European Conference on International Relations
Workshop: Advances in Comparative Politics
University of CologneChristian Rauh will head a panel on "Partisan Behavior in Parliaments" at the Cologne Center for Comparative Politics
The Legitimacy Crisis of Global Governance
U Parkhotel, University of Twente, Enschede, The NetherlandsKeynote speech by Prof. Michael Zürn as part of the PLATO PhD school at the University of Twente
Michael Zürn: “How to Overcome the Crisis of Global Governance?”
Panel presentation by Michael Zürn, director of the WZB research unit "Global Governance" as part of the IEEM Conference 2019, Macau
International Authority in the Age of Populism
Max-Planck-Institut für Ausländisches Öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, Im Neuenheimer Feld 535, 69120 HeidelbergPresentation by Michael Zürn (WZB) & Ingo Venzke (University of Amsterdam) as part of MPI Heidelberg's Workshop The End of International Public Authority? Contestation, Crisis, and Resilience in International Institutions
Discussion on the US Election Results with Rainer Forst, Christoph Möllers and Michael Zürn
Discussion on the US Election Results with Rainer Forst, Christoph Möllers and Michael Zürn Organized by: Thomas Mann House & The American Academy 05 November 2020 (Live stream) Start: 7pm Link: https://youtu.be/sReI9Y6nGYk