Interview: Sifiso Ndlovu on the Soweto Youth Uprising (II)

In this week’s podcast episode, listen to the second half of Lynda Iroulo’s conversation with Prof. Dr. Sifiso Ndlovu, who took part in the 1976 Soweto youth protests against the oppressive apartheid regime.

After describing the events preceding the uprising in part one, hear Prof. Ndlovu talk about what happened on June 16, 1976, the paths that protesters have taken afterwards and his advice to young people today in part two of the interview.

Prof. Sifiso Ndlovu

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Interview: Sifiso Ndlovu über den Jugendaufstand in Soweto (I)





                                                                                                                                                                         [Foto: lubilub/gettyimages]

In dieser Episode unserer Interviewreihe hat Lynda Iroulo Prof. Dr. Sifiso Ndlovu zu Gast, Professor für Geschichte an der University of South Africa sowie Geschäftsführer des South African Democracy Education Trust.

In Teil I spricht Prof. Ndlovu über seine persönliche Perspektive auf den Aufstand im Juni 1976, die Rolle von Afrikaans im Schulunterricht und darüber, wie eine anfängliche Unzufriedenheit zu einem historischen Ereignis führte.

Eine gekürzte, schriftliche Version des Interviews sowie das gesamte Interview als Audiodatei (beides auf Englisch) finden Sie hier.

Prof. Sifiso Ndlovu

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Interview: Sifiso Ndlovu on the Soweto Youth Uprising (I)





                                                                                                                                                                       [Photo: lubilub/gettyimages]

In this episode of our interview series, our host Lynda Iroulo talks to Prof. Dr. Sifiso Ndlovu, Professor of History at the University of South Africa and executive director of the South African Democracy Education Trust.

Listen to part I of the interview, as Prof. Ndlovu talks about how he experienced the Soweto Youth Uprising in June 1976 as a 14-year-old boy, the role of the Afrikaans language in education, and how an initial dissatisfaction led to a historic event.

Find an abridged transcription of the interview below or listen to the full one here:

Prof. Sifiso Ndlovu

Continue reading “Interview: Sifiso Ndlovu on the Soweto Youth Uprising (I)”

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Interview: Inken von Borzyskowski über Ausschluss und Austritt aus internationalen Organisationen

                                                                                                                                                                                 [Foto: WZB]

In dieser Episode unserer Interviewreihe hat Lynda Iroulo Inken von Borzyskowski zu Gast, Assistenzprofessorin für Politikwissenschaft an der Florida State University.

Im Interview spricht die Wissenschaftlerin über ihre Forschung zu Staaten, die internationale Organisationen verlassen, politisches backsliding sowie mögliche Lehren aus dem Brexit und der US-Politik unter Trump.

Eine gekürzte, schriftliche Version des Interviews sowie das gesamte Interview als Audiodatei (beides auf Englisch) finden Sie hier.

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Interview: Inken von Borzyskowski on suspension and withdrawal from international organizations

                                                                                                                                                                                  [Photo: WZB]

In this new episode of our interview series, our host Lynda Iroulo talks to Inken von Borzyskowski, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Florida State University.

Listen in, as Professor von Borzyskowski gives insight into her research on states leaving international organizations, political backsliding, and potential lessons to be drawn from Brexit and US policy under Trump.

Find a short transcription of the interview below or listen to the full one here:

Continue reading “Interview: Inken von Borzyskowski on suspension and withdrawal from international organizations”

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Interview: John Boli über seine Karriere, methodologischen Individualismus und besseres Schreiben

In dieser Episode unserer Interviewreihe hat Lynda Iroulo Prof.em. John Boli zu Gast, der vor seiner Emeritierung an der Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia lehrte.

Im Interview spricht der Soziologe über seinen akademischen Werdegang, gegenwärtige Herausforderungen im Fach und gibt jungen Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftlern Ratschläge zu Schreibprozess und Publikation der eigenen Arbeit.

Eine gekürzte, schriftliche Version des Interviews sowie das gesamte Interview als Audiodatei (beides auf Englisch) finden Sie hier.

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Interview: John Boli on his career, methodological individualism and writing better

In this episode of our interview series, our host Lynda Iroulo talks to John Boli, Professor Emeritus of Sociology at Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia.

Listen in, as Boli gives insight into his journey to being a sociologist, current challenges within the discipline, and advice to young researchers on how to be better academic writers.

Find a short transcription of the interview below or listen to the full one here:

Continue reading “Interview: John Boli on his career, methodological individualism and writing better”

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Interview: Nitsan Chorev on the politics of global health

In this episode of our interview series, our host Luis Aue talks to Prof. Nitsan Chorev, Harmon Family Professor of Sociology and International and Public Affairs at Brown University.

Listen in, as Chorev gives insight into her research on pharmaceutical production in Africa and the politics of trade, development and foreign aid.

Find a short transcription of the interview below or listen to the full one here:

Continue reading “Interview: Nitsan Chorev on the politics of global health”

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Interview: Enrique Beldarraín Chaple on the Cuban Health System and Medical Internationalism










Dr Enrique Beldarraín Chaple

In this episode of our interview series, our host Claire Galesne talks to Dr Enrique Beldarraín Chaple, Chief of the research department at the Cuban National Information Centre of Sciences and professor of Public Health and History of Medicine.

Listen in, as Chaple gives insight into why he became a doctor, explains the Cuban health system, and talks about Cuban medical cooperation with other countries.

Find a short transcription of the interview below or listen to the full one here:

Continue reading “Interview: Enrique Beldarraín Chaple on the Cuban Health System and Medical Internationalism”

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Interview: Celine Jacquemin über die Rolle von African Studies in den Internationalen Beziehungen

In dieser Episode unserer Interviewreihe hat Lynda Iroulo Prof. Celine Jacquemin zu Gast. Sie lehrt Politikwissenschaften und Internationale Beziehungen an der St. Mary´s University in San Antonio, Texas.

Im Interview spricht Jacquemin darüber, was African Studies für sie bedeutet, wie man (nicht) über afrikanische Länder sprechen sollte und wie sie die künftige Bedeutung von African Studies für das Feld der Internationalen Beziehungen einschätzt.

Eine gekürzte, schriftliche Version des Interviews sowie das gesamte Interview als Audiodatei (beides auf Englisch) finden Sie hier.

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